Monday, June 6, 2011

The Adventure Begins...

My summer is anything but normal.  And it all started because of a class. After transferring to NYU this past year, I realized that I was going to have to take an extra class to make up for the lack of credits that transferred from my previous school, so what was I to do?

Option A) take an overload my senior year in addition to doing research, completing my scholar's thesis, taking grad classes, and trying to graduate on time. Not going to happen. 
Option B) take a class at NYU over the summer to make up the missing credits. It would work, but it's pretty expensive. 
Option C) study abroad in Paris over the summer, noting that including air fare, Paris would be cheaper than New York. Done.

Of course, I can't just go to Paris.

This summer I will be starting in Macedonia and doing an archaeological dig for a month before traveling to Paris.  After another 6 weeks in Paris, I leave for the Netherlands to visit some friends, then to London, and finally four days in Iceland. Let the adventures commence...

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