Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 3

Cleaning up
Today was our first day of excavation, which was really exciting for me.  We started by cleaning up our part of the site and making it "pretty" so that it could be photographed and we could start ripping it up.

Final picture of our sector

We didn't really find anything big - just some broken pottery sherds and a few bones.  We also found a pebble floor, but, as I found out, that's just a nuisance to dig through.

Also, my pants ripped. Not just a little. There was a gigantic gaping hole near my crotch, and I was 4 km away from my bag. Not good. I probably looked like the most awkward  pick axer ever...


When I got back to our room today, I found a cute little visitor outside our window! It's actually amazing how many hawks are around here and how friendly they are...

We have our first night of pottery cleaning tonight, and we're all getting ready for our trip into Skopje this weekend.  Should be fun!

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